September 10

Climbing Dumyat the Hard Way

As Soon as we arrived at Dumyat, we got roped in and started climbing.

We were nervous, but were also brave.

One after the other, we scrambled up the cliff with the rope around our waist like a real mountaineer.

It was easier than it looked! And everyone managed it.

Then we had our lunch.

It was a long way to the top.

And a long way back down.

Old friends were waiting for us at the bottom.

Dumyat climbed again…the hard way!

June 15

Briarlands Farm Visit

We had lots of fun at Briarlands Farm, near Stirling.

We had left school late in the morning, so we needed to eat as soon as we arrived.

First on our list was a visit to the strawberry tunnels with Katie, our guide.

Then we were up close to some small animals.

Then we saw some bigger animals: sheep, goats, turkeys, geese and pigs.

Then we jumped onto a farm trailer to visit the core of the farm.

We couldn’t resist heading to the play area.

There were SO many activities to try!


There was even farm machinery to investigate.

We were having so much fun, we didn’t want to leave.

As a result, we got home very late.

May 30

River Avon Walk

Early in the day, we set off bravely along the River Avon Heritage trail from Westfield.

Rumours of heavy rain refused to dampen our spirits.

We had not gone far before we needed a break and a snack.

Then we were on our way again, exploring new territory.

The river was a constant source of attraction and fascination.

We stopped for lunch on a wooden footbridge.

Some of us ventured into the water.

Then we were back on the trail again.

In no time at all, we were arriving at Muiravonside Park.

We needed to inspect the play park.

Then, we paid a visit to an old school friend, whose dog had recently had puppies.

For some, this was the highlight of the day.

March 28

Climbing Ben Cleuch

We set off bravely early in the morning from Tillicoultry.

We started climbing through the wooded glen.

Soon we left the trees far below us. This part of the climb was tricky.

Then we went higher still.

The summit was in sight at last.

On the top, there was a gale blowing.  But we had conquered the mountain!

We hid in a hollow out of the wind to have our lunch.

The descent was much more pleasant.

Soon we were back in the sheltered glen again.

Almost home and out of the wind.

March 5

The Green Pie.

by Fraser.

A pie. I am going to make a green pie. I wonder how you make it?

We will make it with beetles. And chocolate. Maybe grapes. An apple. Leaves in it (they are green).  And I’ll put sprouts in it and lettice. A cucumber. A kiwi.

I will give it to Granny Carol.

“That is amazing!”

Then we eat the pie. Then we have dinner. Chips. Tomato ketchup. And I have a drink. It’s going to be orange.

Then I’ll play Duplo. Train. Spiderman jammies.

Then I wake up and I have breakfast. Toast.

Then………..The End.

January 24

Ascent on Dumyat

We set off just after 10 am. Crisp snow underfoot.

Some of the terrain was difficult to walk on.

Higher and higher we climbed.

The path was steep in places.

Finally, we reached the top and had lunch.

The views were breathtaking.

We didn’t know where the snow ended and the clouds began..

Coming back down was very slippy in places.

Lots of opportunities to chat.

We LOVED Dumyat! We want to go back